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Manual Installation

System dependencies

sudo apt install python3-pip libsecp256k1-dev npm wkhtmltopdf

Optionally install tor to connect to .onion electrumx servers.

Create virtual environment & Install dependencies. Note that sqlite is installed by default, but if you are using an external database server you will need to install the appropriate RDBMS package separately, e.g. pip3 install databases[mysql] or databases[postgresql]

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Build the JS SDK

cd sdk
npm install
npm run build
cd ..

Build the Admin front-end

cd admin
npm install
npm run generate
cd ..

Run the initial setup wizard (this generates all of the wallet roots and sets up currencies - rerun the wizard to change/overwrite the existing config)


Edit the configuration as you see fit. see data/config.examples.ini for more information on the configuration

cp data/config.default.ini data/config.ini
nano data/config.ini  # or your preferred text editor

To set up the system service you will first need to edit tuxpay.service and fill out the templated fields with the path of the install location. The specified user needs to have read access of the directory (and write access to at least the data folder), so permissions will need to be set appropriately, or the user will need to be changed.

cp tuxpay.service /etc/systemd/system/tuxpay.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service tuxpay enable && sudo service tuxpay start

Installation (docker)

# Builds container
docker-compose build

# Runs the setup script - see the configuration file for additional options afterwards
docker run -it -v "[ABSOLUTE PATH TO ./data/]:/tuxpay/data/" tuxpay python3

# Runs the container as a service (will auto-restart as long as docker daemon is running)
docker-compose up -d