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Much of the information on this page will need to be supplemented with that found on the API documentation page

While not strictly necessary, there is a javascript SDK bundled with the payment server. The SDK is served via the /tuxpay.js endpoint.

The general integration flow is similar to that of the Paypal pay button:

  1. Server generates an invoice on the backend (or a raw payment if the payment coin is known)
  2. Client includes the TuxPay JS SDK on their page and launches the payment modal using TuxPay.render({arguments}) where arguments is an object containing (some of) the following data:
    • payment_uuid - the UUID of the payment object. Can also be passed in the query string under the key uuid
    • invoice_token - JWT token attached to the invoice object. Can also be present in the query string under the key token
    • is_modal - boolean, whether the payment window should be a dismissable modal
    • redirect - optional, URL to redirect to upon successful payment. Can also be passed to the query string.
  3. The payment server hosts a blank HTML file containing the SDK at the path /payment, such that you can bounce customers directly to a payment interstitial using the link format
  4. Payment is verified by E-commerce backend/cart using admin API calls. If you aren't using an interstitial, you can subscribe to the 'payment' event listener in your cart, e.g. document.addEventListener('payment', (evt => { CODE TO VERIFY TRANSACTION SERVER SIDE }))
  5. Client is notified of completed payment in the cart/checkout page.